Roosevelt Pipe Organ Builders
Hilborne Roosevelt and his younger brother Frank Roosevelt organized the Roosevelt Pipe Organ Builders in the 1880s. The brothers built some of the largest organs in the United States during their career, and many today are prized for their quality and tone. The Roosevelts were among the first to introduce elecricity into organbuilding.
Roosevelt organ installations include the following:
- Episcopal Cathedral of the Incarnation, Garden City, New York
- Trinity Church
- Church of the Holy Communion, New York
- Christ Church, Glendale, Ohio
- Grace Protestant Episcopal Church of New York
- First Presbyterian Church, Buffalo, NY
- First Presbyterian Church, New York[1]
- Grace & St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Baltimore, Maryland
- First Baptist Church in America, Providence, Rhode Island (Opus 150)[2]
- First Methodist Church, Boulder, Colorado (Opus 382)[3]
- St, James Roman Catholic Church, Chicago, Illinois (1891)[4]
- St. Peter's Episcopal Church, New York (Opus 515 - 1892)[5]
First Baptist Church, Nashville, TN Opus 291 (1885)